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The Center for Developmental Research (ZEF) is an international and transdisciplinary research institute of the University of Bonn. The ZEF contributes to poverty reduction and sustainable development in developing countries through research and training. Current ZEF research projects deal with climate change and land use, food security, price volatility of food, extreme poverty, water resources and land degradation, but also migration, ecosystem services and innovations in Africa, Asia and Central Asia. With around 100 researchers and guest scientists, the ZEF works closely with international scientists and experts from the fields of development policy and development cooperation as well as with local partners. The ZEF is one of the most renowned institutes in the world: It is regularly listed by surveys of think tanks among the top 50. The institute accepts around 30 young scientists from all over the world every year in the doctoral program. Within three years they graduate, usually to a research center in their own countries. Currently there are about 150 doctoral students at the ZEF.