UN World Food Programme (WFP)


The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) is the largest humanitarian organization in the world, supporting around 80 million people in more than 80 countries each year with food, money and vouchers. In an emergency, the WFP places the foodstuffs where they are urgently needed, for example in war zones such as Syria, or in disaster areas, as in Haiti directly after the earthquake. If the local markets continue to function even after the outbreak of a crisis, the WFP supports the needy with cash and vouchers. The WFP works on the long-term prospects of the population. When a crisis or catastrophe has been survived, the WFP supports families in building an existence and an independent life. Thus, causes of hunger are eliminated and the vision of the World Food Programme is put into practice by 2030: A world in which every human being always has access to the food necessary for an active and healthy life. Approximately 14,000 employees are deployed by the WFP, over 90 percent of them work directly on the ground and provide assistance to people in need in remote areas. In crises, the WFP is also responsible for the logistics of the United Nations (UN). Every day, 20 ships, 70 airplanes and 5,000 trucks are deployed for the WFP and provide relief supplies to people where they are most in need. The WFP is part of the UN and is financed exclusively by voluntary contributions from governments, companies and private individuals.



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Ebay Against Hunger - How an App Supports Crop Sale of Rural Small Holders in Zambia

Ebay Against Hunger - How an App Supports Crop Sale of Rural Small Holders in Zambia

Small holders around the world are often forced to sell their harvests below market value due to a lack of market and pricing information. A new app by the UN World Food Programme (WFP) is going to change this.

A project of WFP

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Syrian refugees in Jordan don't pay for their food with cash or credit cards, but rather with a quick glance at the camera.

A project of the WFP


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Often food is not lacking, but the money for it is. With electronic vouchers hunger is to be controlled in the Horn of Africa.

A procet of the WFP

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How are transformation and crisis intervention related, Dr. Frick?

How are transformation and crisis intervention related, Dr. Frick?

An Interview by Jan Rübel

Martin Frick has been director of the WFP office in Berlin for a year – since then one hunger crisis has followed another. What are the diplomat's answers? A conversation about opportunities in agriculture, the interplay of multiple crises, the importance of resilience and tighter budgets.

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How to Combat Hunger in Times of Climate Crisis?

How to Combat Hunger in Times of Climate Crisis?

An Interview with Martin Frick (WFP)

The climate crisis fuels world hunger. What needs to change in the global fight against hunger, and which role plays humanitarian aid in international development cooperation?

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School Feeding: A unique platform to address gender inequalities

School Feeding: A unique platform to address gender inequalities

A contribution by Carmen Burbano de Lara (WFP)

Besides the well known impacts of Covid19 lockdowns for the adult population, the associated school closures led to 90 percent of the world’s children with no access to schools. However, school meals are in often the only daily meal for children. Without access to this safety net, issues like hunger, poverty and malnutrition are exacerbated for hundreds of millions of children.

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Green from the growth container

Green from the growth container

A contribution by Maria Smentek (WFP)

If there is a lack of fertile soil and rain, hunger breaks out quickly. Maria Smentek from the World Food Programme (WFP) explains how farmers and pastoralists can counter climate change with hydroponic-systems.

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Revolutionising Humanitarian Aid

Revolutionising Humanitarian Aid

A contribution by Ralf Südhoff

Financial innovations can prevent a crisis turning into a catastrophe. The livelihoods of people in affected areas may well depend on intervention before a crisis – and on risk funds.

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Authors of this organisation

Dr. Martin Frick

Dr. Martin Frick

Since November 2021, Dr. Martin Frick is Chief of the WFP-Bureau for Germany, Austria and Liechtenstein in Berlin. Previously, he served as special envoy of the UN Secretary-General at the Food Systems Summit 2021, Executive Director of the UNFCCC-secretariat tasked with the implementation of the Paris Climate Agreement and as FAO-Climate Chief.

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Carmen Burbano de Lara

Carmen Burbano de Lara

Ms. Burbano de Lara is WFP’s world expert in school feeding and a member of the Technical Committee for School Feeding of the Partnership for Child Development at the Imperial College in London. In this capacity, she has advised the governments of China, Colombia and Kenya, Ghana, among others, often in partnership with the World Bank. During her 14 years of experience with WFP, Carmen Burbano de Lara has specialized in supporting governments to strengthen their national social protection and safety net policies and programmes and to tackle malnutrition and food insecurity.

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Maria Smentek

Maria Smentek

Maria Smentek is the communications officer in the Berlin office of the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP). WFP Berlin's communications efforts focus on humanitarian crises, development programmes and innovations in the fight against hunger.


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Ralf Südhoff

Ralf Südhoff

Since the beginning of 2008, Ralf Südhoff has been director in Berlin for the United Nations World Food Program (WFP).

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