
Oxfam brings together people around the world who are unwilling to accept that poverty and extreme inequality exist. As an international relief and development organization, we help women and men in poor countries to build a better future for themselves. In crises and disasters, we save lives and help to rebuild livelihoods. Together with people in North and South, we raise our voices to demand policies that benefit everyone. Side by side with partner organizations, the local population - and you - we are working for a great goal: to eradicate poverty worldwide.



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Supermarket Scorecard on Human Rights
Quinoa could have a huge potential in Central Asia, where the Aral Sea Basin has been especially hard-hit by salinisation.

Supermarket Scorecard on Human Rights

A contribution by Dr. Franziska Humbert (Oxfam)

Oxfam’s supermarket scorecard, which is in its third year, shows one thing in particular - it works! Supermarkets can change their business policies and focus more on the rights of those people around the world who plant and harvest food. However, this does not happen without pressure. 

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Authors of this organisation

Dr. Franziska Humbert

Dr. Franziska Humbert

Franziska Humbert is a doctor of law. She has been working at the international development organisation Oxfam in the area of economics and human rights since 2004. Her work includes collaborating with national and international business and political decision-makers and preparing case studies on companies as well as developing and commenting on draft legislation. In addition to working with Oxfam Germany, Franziska Humbert also researches in the field of human rights and global trade at the University of Bern. She has been a professor on this since 2011 and taught international business law during the 2011 summer semester at the University of Zurich.

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