Misereor is the Catholic charity for developmental cooperation. Together with local partners, Misereor supports people in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Founded in 1958, Misereor has devoted itself not only to charitable work, but also to a political approach that says "It must not remain as it is - things have to change fundamentally!" Misereor advocates justice and the dignity of all people and tries to improve their living conditions on a lasting basis. Donors and partner organizations help us to achieve these goals worldwide. Since the foundation, Misereor has supported more than 103,000 projects in over 100 countries worldwide. As diverse as the causes and faces of poverty and injustice are, Misereor projects are just as varied. On all continents, Misereor supports young people in their education, assists victims of natural disasters in reconstruction, supports democratization processes, advises and supports small farmers, promotes sustainable and environmentally sound farming and is committed to the protection of biodiversity and natural resources. In the project work, Misereor builds entirely on its local partners. These organizations, municipalities or self-help groups know the local situation best and enjoy the trust of those affected. Together with them, they design developments on site and are advised and financially supported by Misereor. This ensures that the projects are adapted to the needs and lifestyles of the people.



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High on soya

High on soya

The spread of monocultures is globally harmful to the environment and violates human rights; it makes for more losers than winners. But there are ways out, here one example: Smallholders in Parguay are fighting back.

A Misereor project

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Powdered milk exports pose a threat to cattle farmers in Burkina Faso. Pasmep helps shepherds increase their own milk production.

A project of Misereor


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Small farmers in Burkina Faso are trying to tackle big challenges locally. Local organizations are helping them.

A project of Misereor

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Success story allotment garden: Food supply and women's empowerment

Success story allotment garden: Food supply and women's empowerment

A contribution by Nadine Babatounde and Anne Floquet (MISEREOR)

To prevent malnutrition among young children and strengthen the role of women in their communities, Misereor, together with the local non-governmental organisation CEBEDES, is implementing a programme on integrated home gardens in Benin - a series of pictures.

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The human finca

The human finca

Interview with Marvin Antonio Garcia Otero

In Eastern El Salvador, campesinos are cultivating a self-image to encourage rural youth to remain in rural areas. With help from Caritas, they have adjusted the cultivation methods to their soils and traditions - Marvin Antonio Garcia Otero,the deputy director of Caritas of the Diocese of San Miguel believes this is the best way to prevent rural exodus and criminality.

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Authors of this organisation

Anne Floquet

Anne Floquet

Anne Floquet is an agricultural engineer, holds a PhD from the University of Hohenheim and has been working with the NGO CEBEDES in Benin since the 1990s. She also teaches at the university and conducts research in collaboration with farmers. Through discussions with women who are supervised by the NGO's nutrition animators, the idea for a programme for family gardens was born.

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Nadine Babatounde

Nadine Babatounde

Nadine Babatounde, a trained agricultural engineer, has been involved in the fight against malnutrition for several years by implementing several projects to improve the nutrition of vulnerable target groups such as women and children. She started at CEBEDES as animator of the nutrition programme and quickly put her leadership skills to use as team leader, and later as JARDALIM project manager. She currently holds the latter position within the NGO.

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Marvin Antonio Garcia Otero

Marvin Antonio Garcia Otero

Marvin Antonio Garcia Otero himself grew up on a finca near San Miguel in eastern El Salvador. He still manages it today, but he also had the opportunity to study agronomy and to contribute and develop his knowledge in San Miguel as deputy director of Caritas. The Caritas team has 21 members (8 of which are women). We are part of the Diocese of San Miguel and work with a total of 1250 families in three communities. We particularly focus on the topic of “supporting the youth”. This includes a house for young migrants from other Latin American countries who are seeking refuge and can have their rights as migrants protected. Even internally displaced people who are fleeing violence find shelter with us. The violence mainly comes from gangs. We pursue an “integral approach” in order to protect both young people and adults alike from risks. The Diocese wants to boost these people’s resilience against these risks, which include not only violence, but also droughts.

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