Articles tagged "Natural resources"


Turning trash into Treasure: Mango waste Composting in Burkina Faso

Turning trash into Treasure: Mango waste Composting in Burkina Faso

A Contribution by Sense

Since 2020, global crises have multiplied the price of grain and fertilizers. As grain imports become more expensive, domestic yields decrease due to reduced fertilizer use and decreasing soil fertility. This means that food security in many African countries deteriorates further. Mango waste composting presents an innovative and sustainable solution to this pressing issue.

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It's soilicious!

It's soilicious!

A Contribution by GIZ

“You are what you eat” is a saying that comes with a true essence: How and what you eat has great impact on your daily life. Why not try and make your diet as good as possible? There are so many reasons to care about food: it nourishes body and soul, has the power to connect and inspire us and is often at the very heart of culture and social life.

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Indigenous People - Between Aspiration and Reality

Indigenous People - Between Aspiration and Reality

A Contribution by Rick de Satgé

Despite the pledge by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development to “leave no-one behind”, even today, a disproportionately high number of indigenous people live in poverty. One of the reasons for this is their limited access to productive assets. Scientist Dr. Rick de Satgé discusses the land and resource rights of these people and explains why existing conventions and declarations of securing these rights often do not take effect.

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