Articles tagged "Land rights"


Protecting soil and land – securing livelihoods

Protecting soil and land – securing livelihoods

A Contribution by Jochen Flasbarth

To mark the World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, together with its partners, focuses on the sustainable use of soil and land - for current and future generations. State Secretary Jochen Flasbarth on the relevance of these finite resources for our future.

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Haki Ardhi land rights reporting tool - A path to gender-responsive climate action

Haki Ardhi land rights reporting tool - A path to gender-responsive climate action

A Contribution by TMG

Women face significant social and political obstacles in addressing climate impacts and the increased demand for land. Securing women's land rights is crucial for gender equality and community resilience. This is where the Haki Ardhi Reporting Tool comes in.

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Indigenous People - Between Aspiration and Reality

Indigenous People - Between Aspiration and Reality

A Contribution by Rick de Satgé

Despite the pledge by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development to “leave no-one behind”, even today, a disproportionately high number of indigenous people live in poverty. One of the reasons for this is their limited access to productive assets. Scientist Dr. Rick de Satgé discusses the land and resource rights of these people and explains why existing conventions and declarations of securing these rights often do not take effect.

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